• 6/8 Capitol Road. Agege, Lagos State
  • 08091940000
Trebuc Technologies Limited

Network Solutions

Best Network Solutions


We run all kinds of Network installations

Designed to optimize response times and ensure a comprehensive coverage, our field services division, along with all other members of our company, is totally committed to providing its contracted client base with the highest quality of service.


We design the total network infrastructure, taking into account the installation requirements in terms of functionality and performance. Special attention is paid to crossplatform integration, as a badly designed network can cause major performance problems.


The network infrastructure has evolved into a mission-critical business tool creating a more complicated set of requirements that the network must satisfy. High availability is a common design goal when building a network, but is more complicated to achieve when considering a network that could be subjected to malicious attack. Today’s networks must maintain network availability and reliability and allow a business to continue to function, even while under attack. In many respects, networks need to be more resilient by making them more flexible. Rather than succumb, networks must be able to deflect and counter attacks and remain operational. Networks of tomorrow need to incorporate security elements in network elements such as switches and routers.

The design goal is to build a network that meets an organization’s current business needs and also provides the integrated features necessary to add services to the network as the business needs change. The intelligence built in to the network will give you the flexibility of turning on features that will allow the network to defend itself and protect the organization from malicious network attacks. These same features can be monitored centrally to make every network device in the organization a part of a larger self defending network.